Science Library

by Science Editor
Science Libary

Here you will finds links to recent and or significant publications within the scientific and medical literature with relevance to Cosmetic Tattooing, MicroPigmentation and Medical Tattooing, our information pages provide you with an overview with a direct link to the publisher, the articles themselves are recommended reading.

Each article has been given an "Industry Alert" rating to assist Cosmetic & Medical Tattooists to identify the significance of the article to their line of work "Medium or High" ratings indicate that the articles have a medium or high relevance to safety due to the nature of the report.

Informative - General industry awareness.

Medium - Industry wide monitoring is recommended.

High - Industry alert, report has major implications related to health and safety.

Groundbreaking Research - providing a significant advancement in industry knowledge base.


Understanding Tattoos in Medicolegal Assessments

by Science Editor

What does your tattoo say about you?
Psychiatrists have long been interested in understanding the relevance of the tattooed body in a clinical or forensic evaluation and in settling on interpretive models that hold reliable value.

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Scarless Breast Reconstruction: Indications and Techniques for Optimizing Aesthetic Outcomes

by Science Editor

Scarless surgery has been an elusive goal in plastic surgery, but for a subset of patients breast reconstruction without visible scars is possible.

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High speed ink aggregates are ejected from tattoos during Q‐switched Nd:YAG laser treatments

by Science Editor

This article looks at how tattoo pigment looks to be ejected from the skin at high enough speed to embed it in glass slides during tattoo laser tattoo removal.

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Case series: Two cases of eyeball tattoos with short-term complications

by Science Editor

The shocking pictures from these two cases of complications from eyeball tattooing should be enough to put even the most die hard tattoo fan off from having this procedure.

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Unveiling skin macrophage dynamics explains both tattoo persistence and strenuous removal

by Science Editor

This ground breaking study into Macrophages determined the identity, origin, and dynamics of the skin myeloid cells that capture and retain tattoo pigment particles. We showed that they are exclusively made of dermal macrophages. Using the possibility to delete them, we further demonstrated that tattoo pigment particles can undergo successive cycles of capture–release–recapture without any tattoo vanishing.

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Sarcoidosis in A. C. Milan (1899)?

by Science Editor

Examine the care of an "AC Milan" tattoo that developed first localized and then general sarcoidal type reaction resulting in surgical removal of the tattoo and surrounding skin.

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Perceptions of Healthy Looking and Sexy Looking Brow Thickness

by Science Editor

What make a Sexy looking brow? The author of this article surveyed people to determine just what make a brow sexy.

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What the red tattoo ink hides

by Science Editor

Could this be a new treatment for granulomatous reaction to red tattoo pigment. Allopurinol emerges as an important drug for the management of granulomatous reactions caused by tattoo pigments, based on the significant clinical improvement noticed during its use.

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Granulomatous Tattoo reaction with Associated Uveitis successfully treated with methotrexate

by Science Editor
Medical Case Report

The medical literature contains a number patient case reports of inflammatory conditions and their temporal relationship with tattooing, in this particular case the reporting medical practitioners describe a case of Uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of the eye wall the Uvea), these case reports provide important empirical evidence that is used by the medical profession to determine if certain types of chemicals in tattoo pigments pose a higher risk of triggering adverse health effects or if the individual cases are coincidental. Industry members should look upon these reports as contributing to the longer term safety of pigment manufacturing and client safety and by being aware of the types of health issues that are raising concerns by the treating doctors industry members are able to refer clients expeditiously if similar signs or symptoms after tattooing.

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Identification of organic pigments in tattoo inks & permanent make-up using laser mass spectrometry

by Science Editor
Scientific Report

In this report the authors take an alternative approach to tattoo pigment analysis and uncover some undisclosed ingredients within tattoo inks and PMU pigments that are available in the market place.

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