Self-esteem, propensity for sensation seeking, and risk behaviour among adults with tattoos

by Science Editor
Medical Article

The authors of this article examine the relationship between those with tattoos and piercing and impulsive behaviour.

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Self-esteem, propensity for sensation seeking, and risk behaviour among adults with tattoos and piercings.

Abstract: In recent years, increasing numbers of adults and adolescents have opted to undergo tattoo and piercing procedures. Studies among adolescents with tattoo and piercing have usually explored the relationship between one factor and the decision to have tattoos and/or piercings. The aim of this study was to determine relationships between body cosmetic procedures and self esteem, propensity for sensation seeking, and risk behaviours among adults.

Materials and Methods: The subjects were divided into two groups, i.e., those with (n=429) and those without tattoos/piercings (n=237), and self-esteem, propensity for sensation seeking, and risk behaviour were compared between the two groups using self-report questionnaires.....
Industry Significance Rating:

Informative - General industry awareness.


Journal of Public Health Research.

Authors: Hong BK, Lee HY.
Links:  Article Link Link to Publisher Pdf Link Search Google
for Sources & Quotes

This study demonstrated significant differences in the propensity for sensation seeking and risk behaviour between those with tattoos and piercings vs. those without them.


Scientific Report,  risk taking, sensation seeking, risk behaviour, body art tattoos, public health


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