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Many cosmetic Tattooists have told us that their basic training did not cover client pre-treatment screening very well, they dont know what questions to ask or what to advise the client if they answer yes to specific questions, we discuss this topic!
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Over the last couple of months we have had numerous requests from Cosmetic Tattooists from several countries asking us to provide an article relating to client/patient Pre-Treatment Questionnaires, from what we have been told it seems that this is a topic which has not been covered very well in many of the training programs.
Laws differ from country to country and it is important to clarify with your own legal advisor and insurer exactly where the boundaries of your responsibility are, this article is not intended to be a guide to legal liability. We will however comment that in most geographical locations the Cosmetic Tattooist will have a duty of care to ensure that treatments they provide do not knowingly expose the client/patient to unnecessary/excessive risk, and equally the client/patient has a responsibility to disclose any material facts that would reasonably affect the Cosmetic Tattooists decision to provide or withhold the treatment. In non legal terms this means that we have a joint responsibility with the client to identify those matters that would expose the client/patient to the risk of an adverse outcome and also those matters which may place ourselves or others at risk. Overwhelmingly Cosmetic Tattooists are not qualified health professionals and it is important that you do not attempt to take on the role or responsibility of a health professional if you do not posses formal qualifications. For this reason referral of the client/patients to their own doctor for further advice is always the best option if any doubt exists about a client/patients health status.
Your client documentation should include the following forms either in combination or individually;
In many countries there will be a minimum standard of documentation specified for the purposes of the applicable health acts and regulations, this is important so that health regulators can quickly identify those clients affected in the circumstances of a notifiable event. Also many countries have health records acts and regulations that specify how health related documentation must be stored and protected.
At we have given a great deal of thought to how we can assist the industry with the various issues that were identified. Our thinking is that ideally the client would be in a position to inform the Cosmetic Tattooist either before their appointment or on arrival for their appointment about significant matters that may affect the decision to provide or not provide the treatment. With the above in mind after a great deal of consultation we created an online Pre-Treatment Screening Questionnaire which has a series of straightforward Yes/No questions for each of the commonest types of treatments and the questionnaire provides the client some immediate feedback in relation to any "Yes" answers.
The form is provided merely as an adjunct to assist both the client and the Cosmetic Tattooist to focus on some of the more common areas and also to encourage your client/patient to seek medical advice before their appointment if a specific health issue is identified.
Click here to open the Pre-Treatment Screening Questionnaire
Date of most recent revision:
17/05/2013 (mutatis mutandis) Copyright © 2013 & the article author All Rights Reserved. No copying, transmission or reproduction of site content is permitted without our prior written consent.
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