Science Library

by Science Editor
Science Libary

Here you will finds links to recent and or significant publications within the scientific and medical literature with relevance to Cosmetic Tattooing, MicroPigmentation and Medical Tattooing, our information pages provide you with an overview with a direct link to the publisher, the articles themselves are recommended reading.

Each article has been given an "Industry Alert" rating to assist Cosmetic & Medical Tattooists to identify the significance of the article to their line of work "Medium or High" ratings indicate that the articles have a medium or high relevance to safety due to the nature of the report.

Informative - General industry awareness.

Medium - Industry wide monitoring is recommended.

High - Industry alert, report has major implications related to health and safety.

Groundbreaking Research - providing a significant advancement in industry knowledge base.


Bilateral Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis Triggered by Permanent Eyeliner Tattoo

by Science Editor

This case report highlights how complications from tattooing can take several days or weeks to manifest after treatment.

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Standardization of SMP Procedure and its impact on outcome

by Science Editor
Medical Article

The authors of this study attempt to evaluate and standardize a Scalp Micropigmentation procedure and to evaluate the outcome.

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Conjunctival Tattoo With Inadvertent Globe Penetration and Associated Complications

by Science Editor
Medical Case Report

Mucosal tattooing (tattooing of the wet line) has always been controversial within the Cosmetic Tattoo industry, some proponents have claimed that they are able to perform the service without adverse outcomes but many Cosmetic Tattoo technicians and educators are deeply opposed to the service due to the risks of short term or long term harm to anatomical structures within the eyelid margins mucosa such as meibomian glands which may affect functional lubrication of the eye surface and contribute to conditions such as KeratoConjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) more commonly know as Dry Eye Syndrome.

Conjunctival tattooing (eyeball tattooing) has generally been shunned by the Cosmetic Tattoo industry but some tattooists within the Body Art Tattoo industry (or Conventional Tattooist if you prefer that term) have been offering this service with some notably disastrous outcomes in some cases.

This particular case report also highlights the extreme risks associated conjunctival tattooing of the eye surface and its impact on the health and function of the patients eye.

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Vibrio vulnificus septic shock due to a contaminated tattoo

by Science Editor

Can your new tattoo kill you? under the right circumstances yes, This article confirms why all clients need to be medically screened and aftercare carefully explained prior to tattooing.

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Papulo-Nodular Reactions in Black Tattoos as Markers of Sarcoidosis

by Science Editor

This systematic study aims to find out if sarcoidosis is more prevalent in those with black tattoos.

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Permanent Cosmetics

by Science Editor
Nursing Article

The author discusses the wide range of services that are currently being preformed in the field of Permanent Cosmetics and the application of those service to improve the outcomes for patients with a range of conditions.

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Micro-pigmentation: implications for patients and professionals

by Science Editor
Nursing Article

The authors discuss the role that Nursing health professionals have had i the development of Medical Tattoo services and the benefits to patients.

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